

NT2 Hydro Power Project, Laos (Southeast Asia)

Client: Nam Theun 2 Power Company (NTPC)

Company: Norplan (Multiconsult AS)

Position held: Coordination Manager


The Nam Theun 2 multipurpose development project (NT2) is larger and more complex than any other hydropower project in Lao PDR. It is jointly implemented by the Nam Theun 2 Power Company (NTPC) and the government of Lao PDR and financed by 27 parties, including the World Bank Group (WBG) and the Asian Development Bank. NT2 is expected to generate US $2 billion in revenues over a twenty-year period.

NT2 revenues are flowing back to the people of Lao PDR it is improving living conditions, health care, education, and providing access in poor and remote areas. It also covers the protection of large areas with rich biodiversity.

Project comprise the following main technical components: 4 Francis generating units 281,2 MVA, 2 Pelton generating units 51, 2 MVA, Switch yard 500/115 kV with associated equipment, OHL 500/115 kV and Standby power generation.